Ok, Ok, I know it's been FOREVER since I've written. I'm sorry! It's just been SO busy! So let's have a little catch up...
Harlow has been wearing her hip abduction brace all month. She learned to walk about two weeks ago. When she walks she doesn't bend her left knee (she had surgery on the left hip). Since she was always keeping that leg tense she was waking up at night screaming that her knee hurts. So yesterday she went back to see Dr. Hennrikus. He decided to give her a week off from wearing the brace. Next Thursday he is going to re-evaluate her and see if not wearing the brace helps her start walking on her leg correctly again. To sum that up, the brace might be doing more harm than good. He thinks she might just go to part time in it which is about a month and a half earlier than she was scheduled too - YAY!
Today was Harlow's first day of pre-school. She looked so cute in her little white uniform polo & hot pink leggings w/ a navy cardigan, & her Pottery Barn Kids pre-school backpack. Derek & I walked her into school and told her we'd back in a little bit & she was like "Ok Bye" lol! This was GREAT!! I thought she might cry because the only people other than us that she has been babysat by is Grandma's & Grandpa's. She only goes for 3 hours, 2 days a week. Derek & I went out for breakfast together, stopped by Toys 'R Us to get her a special little "first day of school" gift, & then went to Best Buy to pick up a few things. We were headed to the school about 15 minutes before it was time to pick her up & the school calls.... She was bawling for about 15 minutes and saying "blankie" repeatedly. They called just to make sure we didn't think she was in pain because today is her first full day without her brace and she was walking around class all day & even playing on the playground. That was so nice of them to call just to make sure we didn't think something may have caused her pain --- she was just tired though. So, we picked her up. She was excited to show us the awesome picture she drew in class today and as of now she says she stills wants to go to school (we'll see how she feels when I go to drop her off next week lol).
Since I can't make the pacifier clips anymore I decided to take up machine embroidery. I got a sewing machine/beginner embroidery machine this month. It's AWESOME!! I love it! I've already had a big business order & some other orders. It's hard to find time to embroider with a toddler, so I mostly do it during nap & bed time. I have a ton of new designs to get samples made for infants/toddlers. If you aren't a fan of my Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Whimsical-Lo/113773698646073 then check it out NOW!!!
I'll check back in soon so there isn't so much to update you on!