Sunday, January 8, 2012

First Week

The first week of the new year is officially over.  I had a pretty great week and I hope you did too!  Harlow was so excited to get back to school.  Harlow also started her new violin lessons.  She did really well.  She can name almost all of the parts of the violin.  Next, she is started to work on beats to actually start playing it correctly.  She was pretty shy with her new instructor but after a few weeks she'll be running circles around him lol. 

On Friday, Derek & I went to the AHL Outdoor Classic game in Philadelphia.  We made a day trip out of it and stopped at King of Prussia mall for some shopping <3 <3  We had a lot of fun.  The game was good, the Phantoms pulled out an overtime win against the Hershey Bears - YAY!  Our seats were really great, we could see everything.  It was pretty cold, but I made sure to wear lots (& lots of layers).  There was a couple in front of us who didn't have such a great time because they were fighting the whole game :-/  I definately would not have want to been riding in their car on the game home hehe ;-)

I just finished up year ends for 2011! Woo-Hoo!!! Now I can start taking photo's of all my completed work and get it up in my Etsy store.  Then I can add new pieces as I make them :-)  I can't wait to really try out my new Sony NEX N5 to take the photos.  I've only gotten to take a few pictures during Christmas but it works great and those pictures are all really nice so I can't wait to see how my items look.

Hoping you have a Fabulous Week 2 of 2012!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Welcome 2012

Another year in the past.  Was it a bad year?  Definitely not!  Some people might say it wasn't a great year for us because Harlow had hip surgery, but I don't look at that as bad.  The surgery was successful.  She is doing great!! She doesn't have another follow up until July.  Her walking is very, very good.  She can even run now.  Another great thing about 2011??  Harlow got accepted to Christian School of York!!  We couldn't be more happy with her progress at school.  She is doing really well.  She started in PreK2 but we ended up moving her to the PreK3 class and she loves it!! We couldn't imagine her ever attending another school. 

I'm excited for a new year.  I try not to make resolutions for the new year.  I just try to make the best of every day. Harlow will be 3 in February (I know, 3 already!!!).  She loves LaLaLoopsy & is having a Loopsy party at York Arts.  I think the party is going to be awesome.  In March, we are going to see the Fresh Beat Band in concert.  She is so excited that she talks about it every day :-) 

I am going to be opening my Etsy store next week again, finally!!!!  It's been too long since it's been open, but I was just so busy with making items for donation and the holidays.  I will be having lots of embroidered infant/toddler shirts, hair clips, hair flowers, hats, tote bags ~~~ all of which I can customize for you! 

2012 is going to be an incredible year!  If you are pessimistic, than you probably won't have a good year, so instead of always looking at how things "could" be better, think about how blessed you are to have the things that you do have.  Make everyday fantastically awesome!