Saturday, July 16, 2011


Today we went shopping.  Harlow got to pick out new bath toys and new sneakers.  I don't keep bath toys more than a few months because of them getting icky from being wet and all, so when Harlow got her cast on I threw away all her bath toys since they wouldn't be used for so long and they would just get gross from hanging in her frog toy pod.  She picked out some dolphins that you try to throw through rings, 3 little turtles that each have a different feature but they can connect together, alphabet & number foams, & catepillar cups.  Now she just has to wait for her first bath on Monday evening to use them! Then in the afternoon we went to look for new sneakers because she outgrew the ones she had prior to surgery.  She picked out some of the Skechers that light up and then a pair of pink/gray Nikes.  They are both super cool ;-)

Less than 36 hours till the cast comes off!

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