Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 3

Last night was very dramatic. Harlow was beyond mad at the world. She couldn't sleep. She was crying, screaming, beating on her cast, & I'm pretty sure she would have been using ever 4 letter word had she known them. She was so mad she didn't even want her most prized possession....blankie! She prefers regular Tylenol over her prescription Tylenol #3, but at 5am I got her to take the prescription & she finally slept for almost 4 straight hours & was much happier in the morning.

The day has been good. We planted her Miracle Gro Indoor Greenhouse Vegetable Garden. She had a previous one, but it accidentally got knocked down & ruined. We are excited to see how big the vegetables grow until her cast comes off. She has Sweet Peppers, Cucumbers, Small Red Tomatoes, & Easter Eggplants. I highly recommend the Miracle Gro kids planters. They are fun & so easy to do!

Sorry to say we missed the Royal Wedding, but we hope they live happily ever after.

Harlow having belly play time today.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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