Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip

As I sit here typing this our 2 year old daughter is in the operating room. They are correcting her DDH. DDH or Developmental Dysplasia of the hip is An abnormal formation of the hip joint. Harlow's occurred prior to birth. She was breech from 24-35 weeks when she was born via c-section. It wasn't diagnosed at birth however because her hips seemed to be where they should with no clicks or limited movement.

Harlow was diagnosed shortly after her 2nd birthday. Her left leg appeared shorter than the right. Her pediatrician sent her to an Orthopedic Pediatric Specialist who diagnosed her from a x-ray. He then referred us to an Orthopedic Pediatric Surgeon which brings us to Today...

Harlow is having her left hip corrected as I type. They will put her in a Spica cast for up to 18 weeks after I correct the hip. Follow along with us as we take the Spica cast journey and see how we survive :-)

Here is a pic of her right before she headed to the operating room.

1 comment:

  1. i feel so sad for your little girl. i know its going to be a long tough road for her and i just pray that everything works out well and she is able to live a normal functioning life after she heals. your family will be in my prayers
