Thursday, April 28, 2011

Spica Cast Day 1 & 2

Harlow's surgery was a success. The Doctor came out & told us it couldn't have gone any better. He didn't have to do as much as he thought. She has a very tiny incision. He had to snip one tendon & then her hip went right back into place. She even got to come home the same day!

After her surgery she was really out of it & upset. Finally she got some pain medication & she calmed down. We went from post-op to recovery & got to just relax for awhile. Harlow was doing well watching Disney Jr. However, every time she would start to fall asleep the nurse would come in and start messing with her. Then Harlow would get upset and till she was almost asleep again the nurse would come back! Ugh! We could've left earlier than we did, but Occupational Therapy was screwing around on getting us the Spica Car Seat (Hippo Seat). Once we finally got it we headed home! She slept the entire ride home. She was in a much better mood at home. She had some chicken nuggets & cookies :-) Her Grandmas stopped by to visit for a little.

She slept all night! I got up & checked on her about 4am & she was sleeping. At 5 she fussed a little, but I think all the lightening woke her up. She went right back to sleep & then woke up at 7:30.

All day she was in a great mood. She watched Blue's Clues, played with some little figures, colored, did some puzzles. Her Grammy & Pap came to visit & she was laughing & carrying on like her old self. We even went for a walk with a rigged up stroller!

Hoping for another quiet night & great day at a time though :-)

Here is a pic once Harlow came home & was relaxing with a Popsicle.

Here is another pic from our walk

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