Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Keeping A Cast Clean

Hahaha. It is near impossible for the cast to not get dirty. Harlow crawls everywhere in her cast, but the crawling is more dragging her legs along behind her. This means the cast is getting dragged along carpet, grass, playground stones, etc. We try to put her on a blanket and she crawls off. How do you tell a child who already can't run around and play not to go off the blanket? I mean, really, that's just cruel. So needless to say, we have a dirty cast.

I've been scrubbing the cast with soap & a wash cloth everytime I sponge bath her but it's to the point it's just not coming clean. It's ok to clean the cast lightly, but remember not to submerge or pour water on the cast.

Changing the moleskin due to pee getting on it is a whole other cleaning issue that I'll save for another day, but be warned, it's so not fun. ;-)

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