Monday, May 2, 2011

Yesterday was a good day. We had a fun family Sunday. My wonderful husband let me sleep in while he had Daddy/Daughter time with Harlow. Harlow did really well yesterday. She didn't have any major frustration breakdowns. Sleeping even got a little better last night. She slept for 4 straight hours at one point. We put her bean bag next to her toddler bed just in case she flips over and accidentally falls out of bed she won't fall to the floor, she'll land on the bean bag. Well she was sleeping in her bean bag and then next time she woke up crying I went over and she was in her bed! She must have grabbed the toddler bed rail and pulled herself in lol! Kids sure adapt fast.

Today Harlow has her post op appointment this afternoon. When we got there the lady couldn't find our appointment. Then they announced the doctor was running an hour behind! Finally we got called back. The nurse put Harlow's pink on her cast, so now is happier that she has a more fashionable cast to sport around. Dr. Hennrikus gave me an A+ for keeping her cast so clean - Yay me! I asked him about her not sleeping & he told me most times kids will not sleep through the night in the basically many weeks of lacking sleep - no Yay for this.

I asked if he thought she may not require a full 18 weeks but as I expected he didn't want to predict sooner. He said it's better not to get our hopes up just in case she needs the 18 weeks plus we'll be much more excited if we don't know it's coming off earlier.

She will go back June 2nd for a prep op appointment and then get a cast change on June 8th. Cast changes do require anesthesia but she will get to go right home once she wakes up.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Spica Cast Day 5 & 6

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