Thursday, June 2, 2011

Pre-Operative Appointment #2

Today Harlow had her pre-op appointment for her cast change.  She will always have a "pre-op" appointment before any procedure.  Her appointment was supposed to be at 10:40am.  My mom went along with us and we got there about 10:30am.  My mom watched Harlow while I went to check in.  The lady at the desk told me that  it was going to be at least an hour and forty-five minutes because Dr. Hennrikus got called to the operating room for a trauma.  So I asked her if that was for sure because I was going to leave and come back.  I mean I can't expect Harlow to sit in her stroller for probably what would end up being over 2 hours until all was done.  The lady called down to check and see when Dr. Hennrikus would be back up and thankfully he was already headed back to his office.  So it ended up being about an hour until he finally saw us.

I asked what the chances of her not needing another cast and he said only one percent - boo!  I figured as much though, so I really wasn't getting my hopes up.  He did say 80% of kids only need two casts though, so this next cast will probably be her last...only time will tell though.  She is scheduled for next Friday June 10th for her cast change.  It is considered a surgical procedure because she is given anesthesia.

Once she is under anesthesia they will cut off her current cast and scrub her down (thank goodness!!!!).  They will then take an x-ray and see how her hip is staying in place.  If removing the cast doesn't cause it to pop out of socket again than they will just put the new cast on and that's it.  However, if they take the cast off and her hip comes back out of socket they will try to do a closed reduction to put it back in but if it doesn't work then they will have to make another incision and it will be just like her first procedure.  I'm pretty confident it won't come back out of socket.  The first procedure went very smooth, better than the doctor anticipated.  They only needed to make one incision and just a quick snip and it went in.  So I think it is going to be healing well enough to stay.  Maybe I am being over confident, but I'm really not worried.  I am hoping it is so healed she won't need another cast, but that's just being unrealistic.

I was surprised that the doctor told us when her cast does come off she will need to wear her hip brace for 22 hours a day for 3 months.  He originally told us only for one month of 22 hour days and then just at night time.  Today he said 3 months of 22 hour days and then just nights for a year or so.  Who knows!  Things change at every appointment, so we will just wait and see!  There isn't anything else to do ;-)

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