Thursday, June 16, 2011

What's Shakin'

Harlow says "What's shakin'" all the time. Today she said it to the girl at the bank lol. Her new cast is much nicer since we've had it fixed up. We are down to about 5 weeks! Hip Hip Hooray!!! Next Thursday we should find out exactly when it will come off.

We've decided to re-paint Harlow's room. We painted it light yellow before she was born and it was nice while she was a baby. Now that she is getting older I want her to have something more neutral that will go with everything. Today we went and picked out a nice "snowy" white. I was debating on doing some bright pink & green stripes but I think I'll wait to get the white done and then see. I'm hoping to get it painted in the next few days.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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